It’s my first post and as I explained in my “About Us” page, I will begin this blog summarizing my progression through the book that I am writing about my son Ben; as well as throwing in some current challenges and joys that come our way
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This project has been in the works for about five years, but for one reason or another it just never got off the ground. However, this year we reached a major milestone with Ben. After almost 19 years in the public school system, Ben “aged” out, and graduated from Patrick Henry High School in Ashland, VA on June 18th, 2011. While we couldn’t have been more proud of Ben, the months leading up to his graduation were quite stressful because of the uncertainty about his future.
Ben had been on the urgent waiting list for a Medicaid ID waiver for several years. Believe me, as a dyed-in-the-wool conservative, I never thought I would see the day that I would say a child of mine was on Medicaid. However, the only way to get ACCESS to any kind of programs for Ben after graduation, was to enter “the system”. It was the politicians who decided at some point that they could be the “be all and end all” for everyone in need. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough money to be the “be all and end all”, and the people who cannot advocate or care for themselves are being lumped into a system that in some ways has become nothing more than welfare. This system is now being demonized by the right and exploited by the left. But I digress (more rantings about this, and how the waiver system if done right could save the state of Virginia millions of dollars, in later posts). In the eleventh hour Ben was granted a waiver and is now in his second week in a program which on certain days has him delivering Meals-on Wheels and helping to tidy up at the local fire station. This makes Ben feel like he is contributing something. Much better than the alternative; which was sitting at home all day doing nothing. Trust me, the prospects of that breaks a mother’s heart.
Thank goodness for medicaid! I pay my taxes in the hope that people like Ben will get the help they need. I worked as a para-educator for special needs students in the public school system in Kansas. Our ideas change as situations present themselves. Our government has tried hard to help out. In some countries, there is no help whatsoever. God bless you and your hard work as parents (all responsibilities of parents should be focused upon). Your meeting of these responsibilities is very impressive. Take care.
Thanks for your kind words