Ben’s therapy during our years in Charleston had three main focuses; gross motor, speech and occupational. Ben’s occupational therapist at the Charles Webb Center worked diligently to take the recommendations from the barium swallow test he had before we left Richmond and help him work his way up to regular eating habits. Besides the fact that she had to be aware of Ben’s special sensitivity to the texture of his food, her efforts were further challenged by two other problems. First, Ben’s eyesight at close range was not very good and as she began to introduce solid foods into his diet she noticed that instead of looking at the food on the plate he would use his hands to feel around the plate for the food, pick it up and put it in his mouth. Second, the palms of his hands are small and he has very long fingers (a sign of the trisomy9). In addition, as he grew the tendons on a couple of his fingers were beginning contract (a sign of the cerebral palsy). Both of these factors made it next impossible to teach utensil feeding at least for the time being. However, according to his therapist, this was probably not a bad thing. She felt that finger feeding would be a good start at developing his fine motor skills and at the same time work on sensitizing his fingers. It wasn’t until Ben began to wear his glasses regularly that he actually began to look at what he was eating
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. To this day, when he is tired he will revert back to this old habit. It wasn’t long before Ben graduated from the pureed food to slightly lumpy food (spaghetti was a favorite) and the therapist was telling Dennis and me that Ben should start feeding himself as much as possible. As one can imagine this made for some very messy dining; and Ben was loving it. Dinner was just like arts and crafts class. He soon became quite good at the fine art of face painting.
Ben eating spaghetti; a favorite