Building Ben’s Physical Strength

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When it came to Ben’s physical therapy in Charleston we could not have been luckier.  We were blessed with an excellent physical therapist

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. Denise Fredericks worked with Ben during a critical time in his development.  Denise deserves a great deal of credit for the physical strides Ben made during the time we were there.  When we arrived in 1991 Ben was not crawling and only recently had enough neck strength to hold up his head.   By the time we left four years later he was walking with the aid of a walker.  This was a feat  that we had been told by experts just a few years earlier would never happen.  Having watched many of her physical therapy sessions with Ben I think what made Denise so effective was how she focused on specific areas and muscles in her attempts to help build Ben’s strength.  Ben loved Denise because she not only made his therapy sessions fun, but her genuine concern for him was so obvious.  I can honestly say that the hardest thing about leaving Charleston was leaving Denise.  She certainly was one in a million.  I think of her often especially when Ben gets away from me at the store forcing me to run, yes run, down the aisles to catch him.

Denise Helping Ben With his Walker

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