Regrets for a Path Not Taken

Looking back at this time when we first returned to Richmond, I must say that we had a rare opportunity to “reset” and take a different path with our family.  We had just sold our house and were still in an apartment with minimal expenses.  I was working a full-time job, but it was by no means what I would consider a “career” job.  It was a job simply to make money.  It would be a few more months before I secured a position that would put my career back on track.  If I had this period to live over, I feel certain that I would re-think re-entering the career track that I had been on since leaving college

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.  We were far enough into our lives with Ben that we knew no matter how much we tried to take his disabilities in stride, things could at times be very difficult.  I regret not being there more for Ben in his early years and can’t help but think that he would have benefitted developmentally had I chosen to become a stay at home mom.  However, the thought of doing this was foreign to me.  I came of age in an era where a woman’s worth was measured by how well she juggled her many responsibilities at home while perfectly executing a successful career.  I say this as someone who has the benefit of being able to look backward sixteen years.  Making money and getting back into a house was forefront on our minds and, like everyone else, we had no idea what the future held for us.  I still conveniently held the notion that the services Ben was receiving in his special education classes at school would help him to develop to a degree of self-sufficiency; just at a slower rate.  I’m not saying that we let Ben down.  He is the happiest person I know.  What I’m saying is that I often wonder about how much further along he would be had he had the constant hand over hand training that only a parent can give.  Who knows?

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