I’m back!!

After almost two months of working way too much and suffering through a bout of severe writer’s block….I’m back……I think.  I hope I still have readers out there.  I’ll do my best to continue our story.  It’s just starting to get interesting..

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Preparing for the new baby

 The months leading up to the birth of our second child were quite exciting for our small family.  Once the positive results came back from the CVS testing, we announced the big news to family and friends and began preparation for another little boy.  Life was very good for us during this time.  We were in a new home and Ben was adjusting well to his school-life.  We talked a lot about the baby when we were around Ben hoping to see if there was any understanding of the coming events.   Certainly his life was about to change a great deal.  He was about go from being “the center of our universe” to sharing the spotlight with a new sibling.  It turns out my concern about how Ben would adapt was completely unfounded.  Ben is the most accepting and loving person I know.  Adding a new member to our family just gave Ben another person to love unconditionally.  We could have had ten children and Ben would have found room for all of them in his wonderful little world.

I discovered one day that Ben really did comprehend what was about to happen.  Ben and I were in the car one summer day driving around trying our best to cool off.  Of course, our impeccable timing had me suffering the last days of my pregnancy during the hottest days of August.  Ben looked at me and gestured toward my quite large stomach.  He then cradled his arms and swung them back and forth.  I’m sure the people in the oncoming cars got a kick out of the look on my face when he did that.  He’ll never stop amazing me.


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