The First Day – Part One

first day1_0 "first day1_0"

My book starts on the most obvious of days, September 26, 1989; Ben’s birthday.  What surprised me was how many vivid memories I have of that day almost 22 years ago.  It starts with me going into labor in the middle of the night, of course, about two weeks early.  Everything was so normal up to that point, including the fact that as a first time mom I had no clue what to do or what to expect.  Dennis, my husband, was his normal calm self, to the point of making some coffee before we headed off to the hospital.  The people expecting us at the emergency room were ready to send out a rescue party when it took us so long to get there.  Little did they know, we had plenty of time before anything at all began to happen.

It wasn’t until about noon the next morning that things started to get interesting.  Dennis noticed that the signal on the baby’s heart rate monitor was starting to fade in and out.  That was the first sign of any problems.  My doctor was unavailable at the time so we had to call one of his partners who immediately prepped me for a c-section.  Just as we were getting ready to head to the operating room, my doctor showed up and decided to do a forceps delivery.  That’s when things went from bad to worse………….

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4 Responses to The First Day – Part One

  1. Bernard says:

    I actually knew about many of this, but with that in mind, I still believed it was beneficial. Sweet post!

  2. Pierre says:

    Where is the facebook like button ?

    • elle9132 says:

      I now have my page set up. If you go to the “Follow Me” button. You’ll be able to “Like”. Thanks!

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